All Bluffton Icon News

From eagles to ducks

The variety of rare fowl in Bluffton never ends. The bald eagle, shown yesterday, is followed by our famous black-bellied whistling duck, another Buckeye dweller. Jean Cook this photo for The Icon.

Jean Cook, photographer of the bald eagle published Nov. 18, the the black-bellied whistling duck, published Nov. 19, offers this background information our the whistling duck:

It's from The Sibley Guide to Birds by the National Audubon Society (copyright 2000, pg 80):

"These oddly gooselike ducks are found in flocks, grazing in open fields or tipping up in shallow ponds. They call constantly in flight, when their broad, rounded wings and long legs are apparent."

Bluffton biologist to outline research in the Rockies

Dr. Robert Antibus, professor of biology at Bluffton University, will discuss the importance of the whitebark pine tree in the northern Rockies and its critical role in holding high-elevation communities together at 4 p.m. Friday, Dec. 3, in Stutzman Lecture Hall in Bluffton's Centennial Hall. The colloquium is free and open to the public.

Nine Bluffton University students traveled to New York City Nov. 3-7 to attend the Mennonite Central Committee United Nations Office Seminar, an annual conference held to raise awareness of important world issues.

The next Bluffton Relay for Life team meeting is at 6 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 23, in the community room of the Bluffton town hall.

For more details check website: and for more information about Relay and fundraisers go to

A special Thanksgiving Day service will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, Jenera, at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, Nov. 25.

Rev. Al Schmitzer will conduct the service and deliver the message. The choir will sing "Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart" and the church will be decorated with harvest items. The church is handicapped accessible. More information is at
