Why is it that when two white-breasted nuthatches get together for a meal, one always has to eat right-side-up? After all, don't all nuthatches eat upside-down? These two, with a very shy third one hidden from view, find The Icon's bird feeder appealing, up or down.
This year marks the sixth year for the Jerry Lewis' McDonald's Thanksgiving day dinner, which was started in 1989 by the Chester Carey Family.
The Jerry Lewis's McDonald's Thanksgiving Day Dinner will be held on Thursday, Nov. 25th from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at the Lima Veteran's Memorial Civic and Convention Center.
Five years ago, a biblical prophecy became particularly pertinent to Scott Sundberg and his family. The little child who led them was Sundberg's older son Leif, then 5, whose "prophetic voice" seemed intended to change his father's behavior-and destined to change his life.
About a year later, Sundberg, his wife Wendy and their two sons left Southern California for what he calls a "cross-cultural experience" in Lancaster, Pa., where he became communications director for Mennonite Disaster Service (MDS).
Photo and story by Marlon Young, Bluffton Icon intern
Everyone has heard the Groucho Marx quote: "Behind every successful man is a woman." Likewise, behind every successful dining service, there is a successful business person. At Bluffton University, that businessperson is Peter Cleveland.
There are many stories of how someone ends up in a specific career. Not everyone has a great success story, however, in order to be great at what you do, you have to have some struggles along the way.
Here's a Bluffton Main Street house in the winter. Will Triplett is the photographer. It appears that he was either standing on a ladder or had his camera on a ladder to take this photo. The photo looks so familiar that with a little thought we could figure out the address.
The Village of Bluffton's finance committee will meet at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 17, at the town hall. According to Nancy Kindle, fiscal officer for the village, the purpose of the meeting is to discuss the 2011 health insurance renewal rates.