Bluffton University's Institute for Learning in Retirement (ILR), an educational program for retired individuals, is offering eight courses from March 28-May 4 and one on Wednesdays from May 11-June 1.
The spring term costs $80, which enables participants to take as many of the courses as they wish and to join in other ILR activities. Individuals may take an individual course for $30.
Registration and course fees, if applicable, are due at the time of registration. Most classes will meet in the ILR classroom, located in Shultz Hall of Riley Court on campus.
Tickets are available for the final performance in the 2010-11 Bluffton University Artist Series, by the All-American Boys Chorus at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 31, in Yoder Recital Hall.
Under the direction of Wesley Martin, the touring chorus includes more than 30 boys ages 9-14. In its 40-year history, the Costa Mesa, Calif.-based ensemble has produced five full-length albums and has appeared on the Disney Channel, with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and in the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Parade.
Bluffton University junior Amber Swaney is interested in spreading awareness of the abilities of people with disabilities. So the dietetics major from Harrod, Ohio, is doing her part on the Bluffton campus.
Swaney has led an effort to bring Abilities Plus Potential Leads to Excellence (A.P.P.L.E.), a local disability awareness program, to the university. The presentation, at 7 p.m. Sunday, March 27, in Founders Hall, is free and open to the public.
Dr. Crystal Sellers, assistant professor of music at Bluffton University, will look at "Gospel vs. Classical: Vocally Speaking" in a Bluffton Colloquium at 4 p.m. Friday, March 18, in Stutzman Lecture Hall in Centennial Hall.
Dr. Jacquelyn C.A. Meshelemiah, associate professor of social work at Ohio State University, will discuss "Human Trafficking: A Modern-Day Slavery" in a Bluffton University Forum at 11 a.m. Tuesday, March 22, in Yoder Recital Hall. The presentation is free and open to the public.
Bluffton University's annual Bach Festival will include the traditional Bach's Lunch Friday, March 18, and the Bach Festival Concert on Sunday, March 20. Both events are free and open to the public.
The Sunday concert will open at 2:30 p.m. in Yoder Recital Hall with the second annual Mosiman Young Artist Competition. Ten Bluffton students auditioned for the competition on Feb. 21.