Raise your hand if you remember Bluffton Fire Department number 3 tanker. Was it an early 1950-era Chevrolet? Paul Diller took this photo. (From the Jim Diller collection)
The Chamber Singers, a select student choir from Eastern Mennonite University in Harrisonburg, Va., will present a program of worship 7 p.m., Sunday, March 6, at First Mennonite Church, Bluffton.
Kenneth J. Nafziger, professor of music at EMU, said the repertoire will range from Bach and Samuel Barber and Alice Parker and Jim Clemens to Bobby McFerrin, Bono/U-2 and the Soweto Gospel Choir.
Also on the repertoire at some locations will be "Misa Criolla," a settingof the mass with Latin American rhythms and instruments by Argentine composer Ariel Ramirez.
Join Bluffton Public Library staff for a lively discussion of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 9. Advance registration is requested due to space limitations.
6th grade: Jake Staley, son of Greg and Lori Staley, Bluffton plays basketball, soccer and baseball. He attends Gateway Church in Findlay. He is member of the BFR.