All Bluffton Icon News

All Village of Bluffton personal and business tax forms and information is now on the village website, according to Kristi Lora, village tax administrator. The information is also available at the town hall.

Tax information will no longer be mailed unless it is requested by taxpayers. A postcard with this notice will be mailed in January, and early filers may go to the website for the forms.

Forms and information may be found at:

Other questions may be directed to:

Here's more proof that Bald Eagles have moved into the Bluffton area. Bluffton University student Josh Stallings took this photo of a eagle yearling (1 year old) on State Route 103 in November. He said that the eagle's nest was in a tree on the north side of the road. The photo was taken with a cell phone somewhere between State Route 235 and Jenera.

The Icon spotted this plate in the Pandora Medical Center parking lot. Was MN born in 1922?

The location: the Little Riley, just south of Columbus Grove Road.

The event: ice skating in the winter.

The skaters: Dr. B.W. Travis (left) and Ropp Triplett (right)

If we could get a better view of the cars parked along Grove Road we could nail down a year. Jim Diller provided this photo taken by his father, Paul Diller.

Our guess on the year: late 1950s. How many Icon viewers fell in the ice at this spot?

Dough Hook Christmas village

The Dough Hook has a miniature Christmas village in its store window this month. Here is one of the buildings.

Bluffton University student Marcus Meyers in his dorm room

Photo and story by Whitney Zumberger
Bluffton Icon intern

A child's first step is a memory that last forever. Bluffton University student, Marcus Meyers, of Holland, Ohio, sees taking a simple step as a challenge while he surpasses the daily obstacles of Cerebral Palsy Spastic Dysplasi, a disability he was born with and which he has overcome.
