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The Quarry Farm Nature Preserve and Conservation Farm has issued its Fall 2024 Newsletter. Events include:

October 9 - Fall Bird Migration Hike

October 12 - Quarry Farm 5K

November 17 - National Hiking Day

December 4 - Cookie Day Night Hike

The newsletter also includes articles on Wooly Bear catepillars, August 10 Kidfest in Ottawa, Resident Spotlight on Emerson the racoon, donor recognition, Lights Off for Bird Migration.


Here's a snapshot of the most recent classified ads on the Bluffton Icon for Saturday, October 5.

EVENTS What brings you to Bluffton?

EVENTS Comforter Bash invitation from Et. Cetera Inc.

ANNOUNCEMENT Winning numbers for Sept. Discovery Days

NOTICE Bluffton Child Development Center food program

CLEO Learn to make pinch pots with TR Steiner

FREE Misc items including stereo turntable

PUBLIC AUCTION Oct 10 & 24 Antiques, Nov 2 Property

Announcement from the Bluffton Exempted Village Schools

Bluffton High School proudly recognizes Grace Lemley as the September student of the month. Grace is the daughter of Jeremy and Christina Lemley of Bluffton. 

Grace is a senior at Bluffton and has a 4.0 GPA. She is a member of the National Honor Society and takes College Credit Plus courses at Mount Vernon Nazarene University and Rhodes State College.

 The Village of Bluffton has scheduled a meeting of the Parks & Recreation Committee on Tuesday, October 8 at noon.  

This public meeting will be at the Bluffton Town Hall, 154 N. Main St.

As Ohioans step up to support storm relief efforts in the wake of the devastation caused by Hurricane Helene throughout much of the southeastern United States, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio Department of Commerce Division of Financial Institutions urge those who want to donate to be careful and make sure that the organizations they support with financial donations are legitimately helping victims of the storm.

By Marlee Luck, PharmD, RPh
Pharmacy Resident, Blanchard Valley Health System

Have you ever forgotten to take a couple of doses of your antibiotics? Have you ever saved your antibiotics “just in case” you need them in the future? Have you ever taken someone else’s antibiotic? Answering yes to any of these questions contributes to increased antibiotic resistance, which is a worldwide issue.
