All Bluffton Icon News

By Karen L. Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU Healthwise Team

As I was grocery shopping this week, an announcement came overhead about the new updated guidelines for the COVID-19 vaccines. After the announcement, a lady in the same aisle rolled her eyes and said, with obvious disdain, “Whoop-de-do.” 

I refrained from going into a pharmacist educational mode in the dairy aisle, but I wondered if she really understood what she was whoop-de-doing about.

NOTE: As of April 5, the forecast for Monday afternoon is mostly sunny with a high near 71 degrees.

By Paula Pyzik Scott

The Icon has sifted through local and national resources to provide you with the following tips on what to expect when you’re in the “path of totality” of the total solar eclipse in the communities of Ada and Bluffton on Monday, April 8, 2024.

This month First National Bank of Pandora is hosting an event for first-time home buyers and realtors, Your Path to Homeownership-Unlocking the Doors to Your First Home.

WHEN: Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.

WHERE: Bluffton Town Hall, 154 North Main Street – 3rd Floor.

The program will provide tips on purchasing a home and about potential roadblocks that may hinder the process. Snacks and drinks will be provided. It is designed for anyone looking to learn more about purchasing a home or realtors looking for information for prospective homebuyers.

In 1961, humanity was consuming 74 percent of earth’s biocapacity. By 2012, the number had risen to 156 percent. During the annual Keeney Peace Lecture at Bluffton University, Sarah Augustine discussed how overconsumption has brought us to the brink of global disaster while inviting a consideration of indigenous wisdom as the path toward faithful ecological solutions instead of the dominant economic and cultural systems responsible for the current crisis. 

EMS Chief Jan Basinger reports that the squad had 75 calls in March, which included 59 medical calls, 6 no emergency transports, 7 fire calls, and 3 mutual aid calls. That included transportation of 51 patients. So far in 2024, the have been 213 calls for EMS service.

Announcement issued 2:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 3.

The Hardin County Sheriff's Office is actively seeking to determine the whereabouts of Michael Bolen age 66, of 304 Hunsicker St., McGuffey.  Mr Bolen was reported missing on Sunday evening by a family member who stated that Mr. Bolen was last heard from on Friday March 29. 
