Bonnie Lou Geiger, 94, of Green Springs and formerly of Pandora, passed away March 27, 2024 at Elmsprings of Green Springs, Ohio. Bonnie was born February 5, 1930 in Bluffton to the late Elmer and Sylvia (Suter) Geiger.
March 28 message from the Village of Bluffton: No Parking on either side of Main St. in Bluffton today from Jefferson St. to Bentley Rd. "We received late notice that a tar sealant is being placed against the curb by Helms & Sons Excavating to finish the ODOT paving job from last year. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your cooperation."
The following 12 high school students from Bluffton have been recognized on the Apollo Career Center Honor Roll for the third quarter of the 2023-2024 academic year.
Fox Island to remain closed; additional no wake buoys added for safety
COLUMBUS__Governor Mike DeWine announced that Indian Lake State Park will re-open on Friday, March 29 following damage from the tornado and severe storms that struck Logan County on March 14. Thanks to the unwavering dedication of ODNR staff, local community members, and volunteer groups from across Ohio, this beloved recreation destination is ready to welcome back visitors well ahead of start of the summer season.
For more information, visit or contact Allen County Public Health at 419-228-4457.
Childhood lead poisoning is considered the most preventable environmental disease among young children, yet thousands of children get lead poisoning each year across the United States.