All Bluffton Icon News

By Cort Reynolds

CANTON– Two Bluffton High School swimmers competed in the preliminary round of the Div. II OHSAA meet Thursday evening, February 22, at Canton’s C.T. Branin Natatorium, with one advancing to a pair of B Finals races Friday.  

Pirate sophomore Jackson Bowlus turned in a pair of solid showings to advance to the secondary finals Friday.

By Matt M. Stutz

The Pandora-Gilboa High School boy’s basketball team completed their 2023-24 regular season Thursday night February 22, with the undefeated Putnam County League title as they completely overwhelmed the Continental Pirates by a final of 59-19.  

Among the 20+ items on Allen County March 19 ballots is a Bluffton Exempted Village Schools levy renewal.

The sample ballot reads:

Bluffton Exempted Village School District, Allen and Hancock Counties)
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage

Join us in welcoming Ten Thousand Villages, 115 S Main St, as a Bluffton Icon advertiser.

Northwest Ohio – Wildlife District Two
In the spring of 2023, State Wildlife Officer Ryan Burke, assigned to Hancock County, received a complaint of an individual shooting and killing two turkey vultures.

The League of Women Voters of the Lima Area will hold an informational meeting on the Living Legacy Project Pilgrimage on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Lima Public Library – (Room 1) 650 W Market St. Lima, Ohio 45801.
