All Bluffton Icon News

Add one more coloring page to your 2023 Icon collection. Many thanks to our artist, Sabina Clingerman. Printable HERE.

The Icon is in holiday mode until New Year's Day on Monday, January 1. Content will be updated with breaking news including sports and obituaries. Send information 24/7 to [email protected] and leave messages at 567-400-4266.

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 North Main Street, Jenera, will hold two services on the last Sunday of 2023. 

The morning service will be at 9:30 a.m. and a special New Year's Eve service will be at 7:00 p.m. The service's theme is: "Good News of Great Joy: The Greatest Gift for the New Year." Bible readings are:  Isaiah 51:1-6, Luke 12:13-21 and James 4:13-17 which is also the sermon text. 

The sermon theme is "Look to the Lord and Plan Ahead." The psalm is Psalm 90:1. Hymns are: "Across the Sky the Shades of Night, O God Our Help in Ages Past, Abide with Me, and What is the World to Me?"

Everyone is welcome and the church is handicapped accessible.  The services are live streamed and archived at  More information is on the web site or by calling 410-326-4685.

Happy Holidays! The Bluffton Icon will be in holiday mode from Christmas Eve on Sunday, December 24 to New Year's Day on Monday, January 1. Content will be updated with breaking news including sports and obituaries, but our office will be closed. Please continue to send information 24/7 to [email protected] and leave messages at 567-400-4266.

By Fred Steiner

Over the decades Bluffton residents lift up several memorable individuals to a sacred list known as “Bluffton characters.”  One of those special people was Lazarus “Lotzy” Basinger, (also known as Santa Claus) a familiar face in the Bluffton crowd over his 90-year life span.

These special people each developed a niche of their own calling, earning respect from the common citizen. Their traits and stories are recalled by many, although they are unknown by today’s younger and newer residents. 

To us, their contributions to what makes Bluffton such an interesting and accepting community cannot be ignored.

Lazarus was probably one of the last people in Bluffton who experience way of life of the earliest Swiss immigrants. He was raised on his father’s farm near Pandora, Riley Township, Putnam County, Ohio.

To my fellow Bluffton residents:

The holidays are fast approaching and I would like to take a moment to thank each and every one for your patience and kindness as we dealt with many projects in Bluffton. 

Nature Pals: Winter is “snow” much fun!

The Johnny Appleseed Park District is happy to announce that we will be  offering additional days (with different times) for this popular program! The Park  District will offer “Nature Pals: Winter is “snow” much fun!” on: 

  • Fri., Jan. 5 at 11:00 a.m.  
  • Sat., Jan. 6 at 11:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m. 

McElroy Environmental Education Center, 2355 Ada Rd., Lima, OH. 
