Are you ready for Gumbyfest 2010? The 'fest, now in its second year, includes a hog roast and music by former Bluffton resident Jesse Henry, who is bringing his band The Spikedrivers. (
It all takes place at the Crawfis residence, 8795 Phillips Road, Bluffton, from 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 11.
As managers for a senior citizen apartment building here in Bluffton, my wife and I are often approached by various organizations interested in helping out, or wondering what donations could be made to support our residents.
Of course we are always grateful for the interaction (as are our residents), and we normally direct these groups to some recurring effort such as Bingo, or food donations.
Shepherd's Flock Apostolic Pentecostal Church of Bluffton, is offering a free home Bible study.
"Exploring God's Word is a non-denominational study taking students from Genesis to Revelation and unveiling the method of study and proper interpretation of the Bible. It is intended to assist one in discovering the way to find and understand scripture in its proper context, and help the recipient to properly study the Word," said Mark Neddeau, pastor.
The Blanchard Valley Health Foundation has received a donation from the Great Lakes Conference Foundation of the Churches of God for the establishment of a Spiritual Care Endowment.
This endowment will sustain and promote spiritual care for Blanchard Valley Health System patients, physicians, nurses and associates. It will also help provide education and mentoring support for spiritual caregivers in the community.
The Icon messed with Mother Nature. We took the photo of the Common Buckeye butterfly published on yesterday's homepage and played around with several Photoshop techniques. This is called a "sponge" technique. In a way, it resembles a water color.
That state up north offers its vehicle drivers some rather attractive license plate options. Here is one. The Icon spotted this plate in a university parking lot.