All Bluffton Icon News

This is the second part of a three-part series of out-of-state plates The Icon captured recently on Main Street. Vehicles from Nebraska, New York and Ontario were parked in a neat row. Here's the Empire State plate.

Koine', a Christian contemporary music group, will accompany the morning worship at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, 301 N. Main St., Jenera, on Sunday, Aug. 22. Service times are 8 and and 10:30 am.

Koine', a Greek term meaning "common language," brings a vibrant sound and feel to traditional Christian songs.

Founded in Milwaukee, Wisc., in 2003, the group consists of five members who use instrumental and vocal music to declare that Jesus Christ is Savior.

Paul Shulaw, Sr., a once-familiar face in Bluffton, is on Main Street again. He is one of the many faces on the Oscar Velasquez mural being created this summer.

The Icon couldn't help but notice three out-of-state cars parked in a row on Main Street last week. This one from Nebraska, next to it one from New York, and the third from Ontario. Must have been an international meeting of some kind.

Samantha Pe~A+/-a at her recent BGSU graduation

What year did you graduate from BHS? Did you attend Bluffton schools from kindergarten on?

I graduated BHS in 2007 and I attended Bluffton schools since kindergarten.

Share some stories of growing up in Bluffton -- school, favorite classes and teachers, friends, etc.

Carl and Claralice Wolf

Four Maple Crest published authors were honored in late July in the Family Room at Maple Crest, with a reception and book-signing event.

Click here for photos of all the authors.

They are Ruth Ayers, Carol Diller, Carl Wolf and Claralice Wolf. In 2001, Ruth Ayers and Carol Diller, along with Elnor Rodehefer, Amelia Basinger, and Dorothy Williams, authored the cookbook " Memories of Mother's Cooking (Cooking in the Swiss Community 1915-1935)."
