All Bluffton Icon News

The Bluffton Icon and Ada Icon will take an extended holiday break for Christmas and New Year’s. Except for breaking news, which may include sports, the Icon staff will be taking a holiday from December 23-26 and from December 30-January 2.

The Bluffton Lions Club has shared its December newsletter, attached.

The club reports that approximately 80 persons enjoyed the Lion’s meal on December 1 at the Bluffton Senior Center with $192 collected for the Food Bank.

Homemade bread was baked by Lion John Rich. Lions participating: John Rich, chairman; Tracy Steele; Gene Long; Corwin Croy; Bill Watkins; Jesse Blackburn; Gary Graham; Jan Emmert; Clair Winebar.


A visit to the Ream Folk Art display just after dusk offers a serene and colorful scene. On this day, the sky was a beautiful navy. From this perspective the vast collection of holiday figures look like miniatures next to the great big lighted evergreens.

By Cort Reynolds

The host Bluffton High School girls basketball team spurted in the fourth period to pull away from upset-minded Ada and post a 55-43 Northwest Conference win Thursday night, December 15.

The Lady Pirates led just 36-35 heading into the fourth period. But the Pirate girls hit eight free throws and outscored Ada 19-8 in the fourth quarter to win by 12.

The Pirate girls improved to 5-2 and 1-1 in the NWC with the hard-fought win that snapped a two-game losing skid.

Bluffton Presbyterian Church, 112 N Main St, has announced the following services for Saturday and Sunday, December 24-25.

Christmas Eve

6:30 Prelude Music - Brass & Woodwind Ensembles, Vocal Soloists

7:00 Candlelight Service - Dave Good, Supply Pastor

        Cantata "Rise Up! A New Light A-Comin'"

Christmas Day

10:15 Online Service BPC Facebook 

          Pre-recorded service with area Presbyterian Churches

          No in-person service

LIMA–The Lima-Allen County Safe Community Coalition reports there were 2 (two) fatal traffic crashes on Allen County roadways during the month of November 2022 for a total of 14 fatalities this year. One fatality recorded for this month was a result of a crash that took place in October.

The tables attached represent fatal crashes in Allen County for the entire year of 2022 (through November).
