Board of zoning and appeal minutes from 12-14-09
Date: December 14, 2009
(These minutes were published in the Jan. 22, 2010 Bluffton council packet)
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: 218 S. Main Street
BZA: Bill Gable, Gordon Diller, and John Harbison
Administration: Nancy Benroth
Petitioner: Sean & JoLynn Burrell, and Meg Burrell
The legal notice was published in the Bluffton News on December 3, 2009.
Letters were sent to all the property owners within 200 feet of all property lines.
The Village received a letter of request for the Board of Zoning and Appeals hearing.
$50 fee was paid for the hearing.
The purpose of the hearing was to consider a variance of 8 feet for an addition to the house. A garage and second story will be added to the back of the house into the rear yard. The property abuts and alley in the rear also.
Mr. Burrell presented his case. A little discussion followed.
Gable made a motion; seconded by Diller to grant the rear yard variance of 8 feet. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned.