Icon now offers Bluffton income tax forms

The Bluffton Icon now offers a helpful service for persons needing copies of the Bluffton income tax form. In cooperating with the Village of Bluffton, the Bluffton tax forms may be downloaded from The Icon.

To download copies of the form, simply go to the Icon home page. The files are available on the right column just above the "More Inside" bar.

Any resident of Bluffton 16 years or older is required to file a return with the tax office, (income becomes taxable at age 16). Bluffton School District tax is not filed or remitted through the Village of Bluffton tax office.

See www.tax.ohio.gov website for information on filing your school district return. School district taxes paid are not an allowed credit against Bluffton village income taxes (Code 0203 amount on the W-2 represents Bluffton School District taxes withheld and is not an allowed tax credit to take.)

Tax forms are also available for pickup at the Bluffton town hall, 154 N. Main St. as well as this website.

Persons with specific questions about the Bluffton income tax should contact the Village of Bluffton at 419-358-2066 extension 105 (tax administrator). The Bluffton tax is due April 15.