7 inches of snow here from Feb. 9 to Feb. 15

Not counting snowfall on Feb. 16, the Bluffton area has seen slightly over 7 inches of snow fall since Feb. 9. According to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer, 5 inches fell on Feb. 9, 1.5 inches fell Feb. 10 and .7 inch fell Feb. 15.

Meanwhile, high temperatures could not break freezing and the lowest low hit minus 1 on Feb. 15.

In addition, traces of snow were reported on Feb. 11, 12 and 13. High and low temperature readings from Feb. 9 to 15 follow:

Date High Low

Feb. 9 25 11

Feb. 10 26 11

Feb. 11 26 20

Feb. 12 26 18

Feb. 13 27 16

Feb. 14 28 12

Feb. 15 26 -1