Hydrants cleared thanks to Scouts!

On Feb. 16, Boy Scouts from Troop 256 along with a couple Weblo's worked hard in both Bluffton and Beaverdam to remove snow from around residential fire hydrants.

Scoutmaster Dan Groman had asked Bluffton Chief of Police Rick Skilliter if the scouts could help remove the snow from around the fire hydrants. He said, "Yes! We've only been able to clear every third hydrant. Their help would be greatly appreciated!"

The Boy Scout crew in Bluffton was able to clear out about 75 percent of the remaining residential fire hydrants. New Bluffton Fire Chief, Jon Kinn, expressed his thanks to the Scouts and said he is proud of our service to the community. He also mentioned that he hopes he never has to take advantage of our efforts.

In Beaverdam, Assistant. Scoutmaster Clair Zeits contacted the Beaverdam Fire Chief Jerry Neuenschwander about the status of the fire hydrants in the village.

Chief Neuenschwander said the village workers had cleared a few hydrants on the west side of the village, but could use help to clear the fire hydrants through the rest of the village and promptly gave the Boy Scouts a nice map of all the hydrant locations in the village. The Boy Scout crew in Beaverdam was able to clear out about 75 percent of the remaining residential fire hydrants. Fire Chief Neuenschwander said he appreciated their efforts.

The Bluffton Crew was lead by Scoutmaster Dan Groman, with additional adult supervision provided by Asstant Scoutmasters' Gary Wetherill, Darrel Groman and Mike Metzger. Troop 256 Scouts were Joel Groman, Justin Weaver, Taylor Steele, Jared Metzger, Misha Groman, Kristopher Mullins, Jack Burrell, Tyler King, and Nick Luke. They were assisted by Pack 256 Webelos Christian Groman and Kaleb Jefferson.

The Beaverdam crew was lead by Asst. Scoutmaster Clair Zeits, with additional adult supervision provided by Carrita Lancaster and Victoria Zeits. Troop 256 Scouts were Austin Herron, Carrick Lancaster and Roger Zeits.

All the Scouts worked hard to remove the 3'-4' snow from around the fire hydrants. And only a small amount of snow was accidentally tossed at their fellow Scouts!

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Friday, February 28, 2025