Icon makes it easier for viewers to post comments
Ryan Lowry is the website developer for the Bluffton Icon and offers technological tips for Bluffton Icon viewers.
One of the greatest features of online news is the ability to share information and ideas with others. In order to expand on this feature, The Icon has been testing out different methods of user comments. At first, we allowed anyone to comment freely. Unfortunately, we began to get bombarded with spam and had to disable comments.
We then decided to allow only registered users to comment; unfortunately, we saw a decline in comments after setting this requirement. Therefore, we have decided to allow all users to comment again. However, for users who are not logged in, the comments will need to be approved by Icon staff before they will appear. For registered users, your comments will appear automatically.
You will also notice a new block in the right column labeled "Recent comments." This block will automatically show the latest comments and a link to that story. We encourage all viewers to take advantage of this updated feature.
Click here to register with The Bluffton Icon.
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