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Wear your masks proudly

Hi, We're Jan and Rob Young

Welcome to the Icon's feature "Wear your mask proudly." We invite viewers to send a photo of themselves wearing a mask. 

It's a way to encourage viewers to wear masks when in public and to recognize those who are thoughful enough to take the time to wear one.

Send your mask photo to: [email protected].


Bluffton changes admissions requirements

Now a "test flexible" university

Bluffton University is adopting a test-flexible policy for prospective students who are applying as first-year or transfer students in undergraduate degree programs.

Students who are consistently on their high school honor roll can be admitted solely based on GPA.  

“In a time when there are many complexities around access to standardized tests, Bluffton University is committed to better support students who want to be successful in college” said Robin Bowlus, vice president of enrollment management.

Pasta noodle bridge

Kailey McGuire, Bluffton fifth grader, made a bridge in science class using pasta noodles with help from a hot glue gun. The bridge held 9.5 pounds before it broke. Kailey is in Mrs. Boblitt's class and her science teacher is Mr. Richards. The Icon will post photos of students learning in an at-home setting. Send photos, art work, writing assignments and class projects to: [email protected].


Here's a tip from the Icons and Ohio News Media Association

Here's a tip from the Icons and the Ohio News Media Association


Winning entry: Where's "my" mask?

Ben Kruse, formerly of Bluffton, and now of Raleigh, North Carolina, hasn't seen a snowman in many winters.

However his suggestion for the Icon's write a caption for this photo, give us the feelilng he's made a snowman or two in his lifetime.

His winning entry is: "Where's my mask?" It's a timely caption for an out-of-season snowman/person.

Since our contest does not provide home delivery of the Padrone's Pizza, he suggests we give the coupon to his mother, Paula Kruse of Bluffton.


Hey, elementary students, draw a picture of your teacher!

For Teacher Appreciation Week; two winners and their teachers will win pizzas

Bluffton PTO and the Icon will celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week May 4 to 8.

To celebrate, the two organizations invite Bluffton elementary students to tell Icon viewers about your awesome teacher.

