Did you know that 77 percent of the Icon viewers clip their fingernails?

Somewhere in a bookstore is a book titled "How to Lie With Statistics." We dusted that old timer off the shelf and present you a column on the "average" Icon viewer's opinion.

Based only on our frequent poll questions posed at the bottom of the home page, we've created the perfect snapshot of the Icon viewer. We aren't lying about the findings; we simply realize there's no scientific proof to our findings. So, perhaps we are lying with statistics.

Nevertheless here's's how Icon viewers have expressed themselves in several of our ever-so-serious questions:

57 percent of our viewers prefer hot chocolate sundaes to other flavors

77 percent clip their fingernails

36 percent believe sausage and bacon is the worst thing to place on a pizza

44 percent think peanut butter pickle sandwiches are horrible

45 percent believed the Colts would win the Super Bowl by a point spread of 4 to 10 points (only 1 viewer thought the Saints would win)

42 percent prefer dogs to cats

70 percent never stuck their tongue on a frozen piece of metal in the winter (10 percent have done it several times)

64 percent said they'd leave cookies and milk out for Santa on Dec. 24

48 percent say while Christmas lights are their favorite

61 percent thought two stop lights in Bluffton was crazy

We will continue our poll, trudging along asking the probing questions of the day. And in so doing, will further define the Icon viewer. We welcome poll questions from viewers. Quite honestly, there are some days when we simply can't come up with a question worth asking. (You already figured that out.)