Bluffton police department brings SafetyPup to town

The Bluffton police department this spring will continue its 20th annual child safety and drug education program for youth in the Bluffton area, according to Rick Skilliter, Bluffton police chief.

"We have found the diversified material and services of the National Child Safety Council to be positive and up-to-date," he said. "We have received several thank you letters from children and parents regarding this program."

The National Child Safety Council (NCSC) is a federal-tax exempt non-profit organization. For over 55 years it has helped law enforcement across the U.S. to coordinate effective child safety educational programs for youth.

The educator-designed material that the police department receives includes games, pictures, puzzles, riddles, rhymes and songs. NCSC has developed a way to make the rules of safety fun and easy to learn through its program "SafetyPup."

The SafetyPup program is provided by contributions from local businesses, industries and other organizations.

The NCSC entertainer Cowboy Bob is tentatively assigned to the Bluffton Police Department on Monday, May 10, according to Skilliter. The entertainer will help kick-off the 2010 program in Bluffton.

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