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Outdoor assignment

Max Fritsch, a Bluffton third grader in Mr. Armstrong's class, shows the results of his recent science homework, as he has identified a leaf, root, worm, mulch and a rock. The Icon will post photos of students learning in an at-home setting. Send photos, art work, writing assignments and class projects to: [email protected].







Bear with us - they are wild and cute

Over 70 teddy bears in Bluffton - Icon is still working on the map

Here's an update from a previous story about teddy bears in and around Bluffton.

Please, "bear" with us.

The Bluffton Icon's bear hunt will post locations over the weekend of the cuddly little guys perched in windows around town and in the countyside. 

We originally announced we'd post these on Friday – however, we now have over 70 bear sightings reported. It's taking longer than we expected, particularly because on Wednesday we had only 12 bears.


Letter: From Richard Johnson, Bluffton mayor, to the community

Icon viewers:
I would like to take this time one behalf of myself, council members, village administrator and village employees to say thank you to you, our residents, for your cooperation during this crisis that we are all facing.

The respect you are showing for your neighbors and fellow citizens is remarkable.

We have many businesses and organizations that are not being able to open, but are still helping the community in any way they can think of, to strive to keep our community up and running as much as possible.


Letter: A message from the Bluffton postmaster

There is very low risk that this virus is being spread through mail • Anything without postage and not related to USPS business should not be placed in mailboxes

Icon viewers:
The United States Postal Service is committed to delivering your mail and packages throughout the current pandemic.

We are proud of our role in providing an essential service to every community. The one constant throughout this crisis has been our commitment to fulfilling the vital mission of the Postal Service.  

We would like to share the following information and requests:


First grade scavenger hunt

Kenzie Nance, a first grader in Mrs Huffman’s class, participates in a class scavenger hunt on Zoom. For the letter R it was a rabbit. Kenzie showed everyone the class her family's pet rabbit, Pockets. The Icon will post photos of students learning in an at-home setting. Send photos, art work, writing assignments and class projects to: [email protected].




Chamber video updates Bluffton

"Breakfast at home" offers next best thing to attending a chamber breakfast

Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce invites Icon viewers to a “breakfast at home.”

The chamber’s regular second Friday of the month 7 a.m. breakfast meeting is now on the Icon as a video.

Paula Scott, chamber CEO, host  a 46-minute video providing lots of village infomation.

The video includes updates from eight persons representing several segments of Bluffton.

