May showers brought May flowers

Over 8 inches of rain graced Bluffton's lawns and gardens in May. Specifically 8.12 inches fell according to Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer. That compares to May's normal rainfall of 3.67 inches. Here's some addition weather facts for May: This year's May average daily temperature was 63.4 degrees. May's normal average temperature is 60.2 degrees.

This year's high temperature for May was 88 degrees on the 26th and 30th. The low was 32 degrees on May 10. Here are the highs, lows and precipitation information for the last week of May.

Date High Low Precipitation

May 25 85 61
May 26 88 61
May 27 87 63 1.05 inch
May 28 85 61
May 29 83 61
May 30 88 57
May 31 83 66 1.95 inch