Bluffton community worship service Aug. 1
The Bluffton Area Ministerial Association (BAMA) is planning a community worship service at 9 a.m., on Sunday Aug. 1.
This worship service comes at the end of a week of Vacation Bible School hosted this year at the First United Methodist Church. Children who attended Bible School will sing a few of the songs they learned during worship.
The community worship service will take place on the Presbyterian Church lawn. (In case of rain, the service will be held in the middle school cafetorium.)
'Everyone is asked to bring a lawn chair or blanket. Again this year, we ask that everyone bring food to share during the fellowship time following worship. We invite people to bring muffins or grapes (cut into small bunches)," said Louise Wideman of the association.
"There will be an offering basket designated for each congregation; in addition, there will be a general offering which will be given to the Bluffton Community Assistance Program."
"Our hope is that this ecumenical gathering can be a meaningful time to worship our great God and to strengthen relationships with our neighbors in Bluffton," she said, speaking for the ministerial association.