Rally Point Youth Center bike tour Aug. 21

Join the fun for the second annual Rally Point Youth Center bike tour on Aug. 21. The Rally Point River Ride bike tour is designed to get you outdoors and enjoy the region and Lima's bike path and parks.

Three routes have been marked, one for families (20 mile), weekend bikers (50 miles), and seasoned riders (100 mile route). Join others August 21st as they follow the Ottawa River through the Limas Parks and countryside.

The 20-mile ride takes you around the Lima park system and is designed for families to enjoy riding together as well as seeing the parks.

The 50-mile and 100-mile routes will take you out of Lima, through Allen and Putnam counties and back.

Start time for the 100 and 50 mile riders is from 7 to 9 a.m. and for families or those who would like to try the 20-mile route, that start is from 9 to 11 a.m.

The Rally Point River Ride tour is a clearly marked, clean path, with excellent SAG service provided.

Riders will receive a free t-shirt, lunch, snacks, entertainment, and recovery massage from the students at the Therapeutic Institute of Massage. This year Rally Point is also raffling off a blue and silver, Crosstown, 3.0 Hybrid Bike donated by Crankers Bike shop.

This is a 21-inch bike with 24 speeds, valued at $400. Each rider is automatically entered to win a chance at the bike.

You can register online at www.rallyup.org. The cost is $30 per rider or $75 per family (which includes up to 5 lunches and 2 t-shirts). Prices increase by $5 after Aug. 14.

All proceeds from the Rally Point River Ride go to support the Rally Point Youth Center of Lima. Last year over 150 bikers participated, many were families with children, others were seasoned bikers enjoying the longer distance rides.

Rally Point exists to give teens, ages 12-18, in the north side of Lima a safe place that is off the streets and in a caring Christian environment. Rally Point Youth Center's mission is to provide teens with a safe, positive, and drug-free, environment.

By creating a safe environment, Rally Point hopes to provide positive alternatives to gangs, violence, and drug use.

Through the leadership of caring Christian adults, Rally Point seeks to give teenagers sound guidance for their mind, body, and soul using biblical principles.

The youth center also seeks to help all teenagers in the Lima community who have little positive guidance, poor self-esteem and no ambitions. Rally Point targets middle and high school students between the grades 6 through 12 (ages 12-until their 19th birthday). Proceeds from the Rally Point River Ride go to support Rally Point Youth Center.
For more information or to register, go to www.Rallyup.org, and click on the Rally Point River Ride icon.

Rally Point Fact Sheet

o Rally Point exists to give teens, ages 12-18, in the North side of Lima a safe place that is off the streets and in a caring Christian environment.
o Through caring Christian adults, Rally Point seeks to provide good influences that will affect the teen's school work and personal decisions.
o We provide an alternative to hanging out with negative influences such as gangs, friends that are into drugs, and sexual impure relationships.
o We do all this by building relationships with the teens during our after school programs, and special events.
o Our goal is to help; latch key teenagers, single parent families, and low income families.
o Rally Point Youth Center's mission is to provide teens with a safe, positive, and drug-free, environment. By creating a safe environment, Rally Point hopes to provide positive alternatives to gangs, violence, and drug use. Through the leadership of caring Christian adults, Rally Point seeks to give teenagers sound guidance for their mind, body, and soul using biblical principles.

The youth center also seeks to help all teenagers in the Lima community who have little positive guidance, poor self-esteem and no ambitions. Rally Point targets middle and high school students between the grades 6 through 12 (ages 12-until their 19th birthday). Rally Point is a non-profit, 501c3.

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Friday, February 21, 2025