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BVH offers test to determine genetic probability of breast cancer

Blanchard Valley Hospital's Woman Wise mammography department has partnered with Myriad Genetics to offer a test to determine risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. This new test is called the BRACAnalysis(R).

"Individuals who carry a defective gene, called the BRCA (BReastCAncer) 1 or 2 gene, have a very high lifetime risk for developing both breast and ovarian cancer," said Dr. Katherine Cyran, BVHS breast imaging specialist. "In fact, people testing positive for these genes have a lifetime risk for breast cancer as high as 85 percent, and a risk of nearly 50 percent for ovarian cancer compared to 7 percent and 1 percent, respectively, for the general population."

BRCA genes can be passed from the mother's or father's side of the family, and children have a 50 percent chance of carrying the gene if their parent is affected.

Likewise, parents and siblings of affected individuals have a 50 percent chance of also being affected.

The first step in determining if a person is a candidate for the test is by filling out a questionnaire at Woman Wise. Those with suggestive histories of breast and ovarian cancer will be offered a genetic risk discussion and testing. Testing consists of either a cheek swab or blood sample that is sent to the Myriad laboratory for analysis.

Knowing this risk can help patients and their doctors make more informed decisions before cancer develops. "For example, a woman who knows she carries a BRCA mutation can start cancer screening at an earlier age," said Cyran. "She also has both medical and surgical interventions that can either prevent or reduce the risk of both cancers."

Not everyone is a candidate for genetic testing, and the BRACAnalysis(R) is not appropriate for most people. Individuals at risk for carrying the BRCA gene tend to have personal or family histories which include the following:

. Breast cancer occurring at or below the age of 45. Ovarian cancer at any age
. Male breast cancer. Bilateral breast cancer (two separate breast cancers)
. Multiple affected family members (mother's or father's side). First or second degree relatives with the above criteria

The Myriad laboratory is the only lab in the nation that is able to perform that BRACAnalysis(R). This test is covered by most insurances.
