Suderman to present colloquium on choral tone

Dr. Mark Suderman, professor of music at Bluffton University, will discuss how to develop better choral tone during a Bluffton Colloquium at 4 p.m. Friday, Oct. 22, in Yoder Recital Hall. The event is free and open to the public.

Suderman's presentation will center on research he conducted during his spring 2010 sabbatical, when he studied material on choral tone production and warm-up exercises, then consulted with and observed multiple choral conductors.

He will discuss a combination of qualities-derived from the types of warm-ups used and expectations of the director-that help build choral tone during rehearsals.

"While listening to a concert can offer the opportunity to hear different choral sounds, it does not reveal how to produce those different sounds. That is why it was imperative to visit rehearsals and talk to the conductors themselves," Suderman said.

"Good choral tone is not only important to the choir's sounds, but it also helps improve intonation and insures the health and well-being of the singers." He plans to use the techniques he researched with Camerata Singers, Accent! and the Bluffton Choral Society-the choirs he directs at Bluffton.

Suderman earned doctoral and master's degrees in choral conducting from the University of Iowa. His bachelor's degree in voice performance and music education is from Bethel College, North Newton, Kan., and he did further graduate studies in music education at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.