2 Kentucky men conviction of sexual conduct with a minor

Bluffton police are reporting the conviction of two men from Kentucky who traveled to Bluffton in February to engage in sexual conduct with a minor.

Because the men traveled across state lines, and were apprehended in Kentucky, federal charges were brought against them in connection with their crimes. The case was resolved in the United States District Court, Eastern District of Kentucky, to avoid putting the local victim through additional stress.

Local police opened an investigation on Feb. 22, 2010, that quickly developed to include authorities from local, state (Ohio and Kentucky), and federal agencies (FBI and ATF).

"The quick and decisive attention given to this case enabled various agencies to gather crucial evidence that ultimately led to the conviction of two men who targeted one of our own youth," said Bluffton Police Chief Rick Skilliter.

Twenty-six year old Ernest W. Baker, and 50-year-old Robert W. Baker arranged to plead guilty to various aspects of the original indictment. Ernest Baker pled guilty to Production of Child Pornography. The maximum federal statutory punishment for this crime is not less than 15 years nor more than 30 years, and a fine of $250,000.

Once released from prison, Baker will be required to register with his local law enforcement agency as sex offender.

Robert W. Baker pled guilty to Interstate Travel with the Intent to Engage in Illicit Sexual Conduct with a Minor. The maximum statutory punishment for this crime is up to 30 years in prison, and a fine of $250,000.

Both men will learn their sentence sometime in early 2011.