All about 2010 weather in Pandora-Bluffton

Take a wild guess. What was Pandora-Bluffton's average temperature in 2010?

Answer: 51.6 degrees.

Okay, how about this one: Did we receive more rain or snow in 2010?

Answer: Snowfall 44.8 inches; rain 34.83 inches.

Those facts and more are part of Guy Verhoff, Pandora weather observer's finding for weather patterns in 2010. Here's how those figures stacked up against the 60-year averages:

60-year average precipitation 35.79 inches
2010: 34.83

60-year average temperature: 49.6 degrees
2010: 51.6 degrees

To view Verhoff's monthly averages for 2010 and other weather facts for the past 60 years open the attachment at the bottom of this story.