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Randy Garmatter wins Icon bowl contest

Randy Garmatter won The Bluffton Icon's holiday bowl football contest in a three-way playoff. Garmatter, Matt Amstuz and Rick Emmert were tied with 18 wins each at the conclusion of the regular contest.

To settle the tie, each were asked to pick winners of three additional bowl games.

Garmatter picked three correct
Amstutz picked two correct
Emmert picked one correct

Here's the individual wins by each contestant in the contest in the preliminary round:
18 correct - Randy Garmatter, Matt Amstutz and Rick Emmert
17 correct - Ryan Kruse, Mary Glick, Scott Basinger, Mike Burris and Logan Rhodes
16 correct - Vanessa Greer, Abby Hartman, Luke Amstutz, David Glick, Joe Sehlhorst and Lisa (No name on entry form)
15 correct - Jason Cox, Ben Kruse, Mel Stettler and Andy Althaus
14 correct - Reg Good, Ray Raeburn, John Estell, Jake Staley, Don Culp, Dave Burkholder, Connie Maroscher, Robin Bowlus, Judi Aretz and Heather Kuhbander
13 correct - Lyle Arnold, Ralph Gerber and Adelyn Althaus
12 correct - James Crawfis, Dan Althaus, Ryan Amstutz and No Name on entry form
11 correct - Steve Yarnell and Brandon Huber

Corey Greer of Bluffton judged the contest.
Watch for The Icon's Super Bowl contest coming to a computer near you soon.
