5 Myles High - now you may hear them on The Icon

One of Bluffton's talents is music. But you already know that. We have a women's choir, several church choirs, school and university musical organizations, a couple street musicians in the summer. You get the idea. There's every sound in Bluffton from Bach to (fill in the latest popular group here).

Then, there's Bluffton's own 5 Myles High. It's a group including Krysti Schey, piano, Phil Schey, bass, Myles Bowers, trumpet and Sean McNeal, drums.

Except for McNeal on drums, each is a Bluffton University grad; Krysti is a BHS grad and owner of Krysti's Music Studio, recently relocated from College Avenue to South Main Street. Check is out at www.krystismusicstudio.com

You've probably heard 5 Myles High perform at Common Grounds, the arts and crafts show, or several other concerts around town. They even have a CD out.

On Jan. 16 they played at the Bluffton University Faculty and Staff Recognition Dinner.

The Icon videotaped one selection. You may view it by clicking here.

We applaud this group and its sound. We encourage other organizations to schedule them the next time you need a little music in the background or the foreground.

Don't be Schey; invite them to perform.