Letter: The meaning of YOR 4 license plate

Icon viewers:

Miriam Rumsey just moved in to Maple Crest a week or so ago, from Otterbein-Cridersville. She doesn't have a computer and didn't know anything about the Icon, although she said she talked with somebody named Fred about the plate. She didn't know how to get in touch with you. Anyway, I asked her to write out the story of her license plate and I'd send it off to you. Here goes, in her words:

"My husband always wanted a special license plate for our car. His first name was Roy. When he applied for this, that name had already been used so he thought of YOR, which is Roy backwards. Then what number should he use with it?

At that time, many years ago, there were four of us in our family. He decided YOR4 was just fine. Our family grew and there were six of us, but he never changed the number. I have kept this plate over the years since his death 25 years ago."

Thanks for the great coverage of the floods. I don't know how many of my kids checked it out, but I told them about it. It's great to have a local daily newspaper --many thanks!

Joanne Niswander

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