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Meanwhile, for Bluffton Icon viewers, please enjoy the Christmas lights of Ada

NOTE to Bluffton Icon viewers: Bluffton and Ada Icons, internet sites in the same family, offer a post-Christmas switch.

The Bluffton Icon's "2015 Bluffton Christmas Lights Winners," is now also featured on the Ada Icon home page in the interest of Ada viewers.

Likewise, Ada Icon's "Ada Christmas Scenes of 2015," is featured on Bluffton Icon. Please enjoy views of Ada at Christmas, while Ada viewers enjoy views of Bluffton at Christmas.

We’ve collected holiday photos from the Icon and from two Ada Facebooks.


Fire department on Christmas run

The Bluffton Fire Department, EMS and police were on the scene at Ebenezer Mennonite Church, Columbus Grove Road, on Christmas night. The department sent its ladder truck and two tankers at close to 9:25 p.m. While no fire or smoke was observed, two fire fighters were on the roof of the building and other fire fighters examined the entire outside and the Bucher school house across the road. No other information was available when this photo was posted.

100+ year-old Bluffton Christmas card

"Peace, happiness and content to thee and thine." This Christmas card was mailed to Bertha Althaus, Bluffton, Ohio, from her brother, Andrew of Toledo. We can't read the postmark date, but Bertha was married in 1899, and after that was Bertha Hahn. For the address side of the card, click here and note that there's no street address and no zip code required on this one cent post card.

The Icon offers a modern version of a familiar story

In the seventh year in the reign of Obama, legislation passed that all U.S. citizens be counted in the county where their ancestors had settled. This unusual census was when Kasich was governor of Ohio and Jordan was fourth district representative.

Jose from Lebanon, Ohio, with his young housekeeper, Maria, who was nine-month’s pregnant with someone else’s child, and who Jose had intended to marry, drove to Bluffton in Jose’s 1996 Mercury Cougar. This was because Jose was a great-great-great-grandson of Swiss immigrant, Jesse Zurflugh, in Richland Township.


Enjoy the best Bluffton Christmas lights from your armchair

Why bundle up and brave the cold winter winds - we're kidding - just to look at Bluffton's outdoor Christmas lights?

The Icon offers this armchair view of the residential lighting winners and the downtown business window winners.

Judges from the Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce selected the residential winners and each received chamber gift certificates.

Downtown businesses voted to the three window winners. 

An extra to this scrapbook of photos is Beverly Amstutz's 2015 Christmas card cover "A Christmas from the Past."


100+ year-old Christmas greeting from The Icon

"Peace, happiness and content to thee and thine." 

This Christmas card was mailed to Bertha Althaus, Bluffton, Ohio, from her brother, Andrew of Toledo. We can't read the postmark date, but Bertha was married in 1899, and after that was Bertha Hahn.

For the address side of the card, check the photo below. There's no street address and no zip code required on this one cent post card.

Bertha Althaus Hahn is the grandmother of Fred Steiner, of the Icon.


