April 10 Hilty Memorial Home open house features new units
Hilty Memorial Home, 304 Hilty Drive, Pandora, will host an open house from noon to 2 p.m., Sunday, April 10, acccording to Joy Reichenbach, administrator.
The event will feature the Home's newly opened Transition to Home Unit and the new Assisted Living unit. A complimentary luncheon will be provide to the public.
Hilty Home offers several features, including:
- Skilled Nursing Care and Rehabilitation
- Medicare/Medicaid certified
- Assisted LivingIndependent Living
- Special Needs Unit for Memory Support
- Intergenerational Program with attached Child Care Center
- Owned and Operated by the Missionary Church East Central District
For more information call Hilty Home 419-384-3218 or email [email protected]