BIG Idea Contest to reward Bluffton University student entrepreneurs

Got an idea that could be really BIG business? The Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs (BCE) wants to help Bluffton University students take a big step toward launching new businesses.

The BCE is conducting the 2011 BIG Idea contest to reward student entrepreneurs. The grand prize is an Apple iPad. All awards will include free assistance developing a business plan.

Judges from the BCE will assess entries for originality and uniqueness, potential for actual commercialization, and likely long term viability in the marketplace.

The entry deadline is April 15. The entry fee is $25. Winners will be announced April 22.

The BIG Idea Contest is sponsored by the Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs, Citizens National Bank and First National Bank of Pandora.

A registration form in in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

Rules and Regulations

1. Your business concept must be original work that you'll be willing and able to fully disclose to the judges.

2. Only ideas not yet broadly offered in the marketplace will be accepted. Entrants may be in the process of development or starting up their business or line extension, but sales must be less than $5,000 in 2011.

3. Entrant must be a student enrolled at Bluffton University.

4. The completed entry form with 3 copies of the BIG Idea write-up and a check for $25.00 (payable to Bluffton Center for Entrepreneurs) must be delivered on or by April 15, 2009.


Q. Will there be a confidentiality agreement?

A. No. The nature of the competition and involvement of staff, reviewers, judges, and other participants prevents BCE from guaranteeing confidentiality. However, we will make every effort to limit distribution of the idea write-ups to BIG Idea judges and BCE staff only.

Q. Are there restrictions on the type of business or service I propose?

A. We will accept ideas in any legal business category as long as the business is a for-profit venture.

Other questions or comments may be addressed to Dr. Pete Suter at [email protected] or [email protected]. Or call the BCE at 419-358-6400.

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