Next time you want to tell someone to "shut up," try this clever Swiss dialect phrase (it worked for your great-grandfather)

Next time you want someone to shut up simply say, "Jetzt aber, still." Christine Habegger Purves, writing about some Swiss dialect phrases in the recent Swiss Community Historical Society newsletter says that means: "Now be quiet," or more rudely, "shut up."

There's more and here it comes:

Langi zeiti. A long time.

Es macht mir nuet aus. It makes no difference to me.

Vas gish vas hest. What you get is what you have.

Uf zwei bei wie a 'n' a haube hung. With two legs just like half a dog.

Hurti, hurti Hami Schwanz. Move it, Hans (or more literally, move your tail, Hans).

Sham di doch. Shame on you.

Du bish gluckle. Lucky you.

Das ish greuslich. That is nauseating.

Sayings:"Der Wetli" un "Der Hatti" sy brueder gsy un es kenna nut g'ha. "I wish" and "If I had" are brothers and neither get anything.

Was zweitet si, drittet si. What happens twice will happen a third time.

Published by permission of Swiss Community Historical Society.