15 minutes with Coral Naylor

Coral, Hali, and Timothy Naylor

What was it like growing up close to the lake? Did you spend summer days at the beach?

I actually grew up in Coldwater which is a smaller town close to Celina. It was really no different than any other small town. We never really went to the lake unless it was a special occasion and someone had a boat. When I was young we just rode our bicycles to the town swimming pool. Once I was in high school I had band and worked most of the time. So, nothing really special.

How did you discover Bluffton University? What made you choose to attend Bluffton?

I think I got a flier in the mail and decided I could apply. Then I only applied to one other school. I only visited Bluffton because once I was here I just knew this is where God wanted me to be. The campus was so beautiful and friendly and something just really felt right about being here.

What did you major in? Why?

I majored in Child Development. I was originally Early Childhood Education but I was having a little trouble passing the Praxis test so I decided since I really just want to stay at home with my children when I grow up, Child Development would do just fine!

Tell me about your current job at Bluffton? How did you end up in working there?

I work in the Adult and Graduate Education office at Bluffton now. I am an administrative assistant and mainly focus on our Graduate Programs. I actually worked in this office while I was attending school at Bluffton. So that is how I connected to the office. After graduating, I had another job but I struggled with some things there and I needed a better-paying job since I was a newlywed and had to start paying back all my student loans. So when the job opening came I applied right away and was very excited to get the offer!

You were once an "Avon lady", but discovered jewelry sales a few years ago. How did you get started in that? Tell me about your business and how you've expanded (and continue to expand). How many parties do you have per week? Awards from Premier? How do people contact you to schedule a party? What are the benefits to that person? How can one become a fulltime Premier salesperson?

I got started in my jewelry sales by attending a friend's party. I really would like to stay at home with my little girl and at the party the "jewelry lady" showed us how easy it was to make money and it looked like so much fun, so I decided to look into it a little more.
I was very nervous to get started but decided that I should at least give it a try. I could see how much more money I could be making and how much fun I could be having. So I started with my family and friends and just kept on doing shows. I love it. I have actually signed up five girls now into the business and am working with them to get their business off to a great start. One great thing about Premier Designs (the jewelry company) is that you are in business for yourself but never by yourself. I have a wonderful "Premier Family", as we call it.
The amount of parties per week varies because it is up to me when I want to work. Last year I averaged two parties a week. Premier awards their jewelers with all sorts of things. You can earn jewelry and trips and other free stuff. As a home-based business, there are some tax benefits as well.
Most of the parties that I have are from other parties that I have done. But I am willing to do a party for anyone. I have an email address that anyone can email me at to have a party, hear more about the business opportunity, or just order jewelry. The email address is [email protected].
Our average hostess earns around $200-$300 worth of jewelry. You earn 30% of the retail in free jewelry, 4-8 half price items, and the chance to earn an extra $100 in jewelry on top of all of that.
Those interested in becoming a sales person contact me. I review the marketing plan with them and help them complete the paperwork. We do a training show for each new salesperson. It is the best thing I feel like I could have done for not only myself and my family, but for the other women in the world that I get to touch every day with my business.

How did you meet your husband, Timothy? Where did you go on your first date?

I was at Lakeside, Ohio for a church camp with my church as a counselor in training. Timothy was at the same camp with his church as a counselor. He was talking to someone from my church that I was looking for so I interrupted them and that is how we first met. We hung out a little more that week and then decided at the end of the week to exchange phone numbers.

For our first date he came down to Celina. We went to the golf driving range in Celina and he showed me how to golf...or at least he tried to. We ate at a local Mexican restaurant, and since there was nothing very good playing at the movie theater, we rented a movie and watched it at my mom's house.

Timothy's a chef -- does that mean that he cooks gourmet meals for you? What's his at-home specialty? Do you cook?

He is a chef, but it costs so much to cook gourmet meals, so we eat a lot of frozen pizzas and other quick and easy stuff. We have such busy schedules and have to eat quick most nights. He does make a "special" meal for me once a month or so. I don't know that he has one specific specialty. He makes great enchiladas, but he also grills some really good food. He makes a really good Penne Polo Vento also. I can cook if I have a recipe -- I cannot just throw food together like he can. But if I have a recipe and all the ingredients I can make the food. I think I make a really good baked mac and cheese. I have made it so often now that I don't use the recipe and I don't even measure the ingredients -- that is really good for me!

You've had a busy year with your first child, Hali. How did you choose her name? When does she turn 1? Big party planned? Describe her personality.

We decided a while back that when we have children we want to name them from the Bible. We could never agree on a boy's name but we did both really like Hali. That spelling is actually the name of a city mentioned in the book of Joshua.
She turns 1 on May 6. It is coming so quickly, it amazes me. We are having a big party, inviting all of our family, friends and Premier Family.
She is an angel. We have been so blessed with an amazing daughter. She has basically slept through the night since we brought her home from the hospital. There have been a few nights when she wakes up some but then we can get her to go back to sleep. She eats well, and is so easy going. She is a momma's girl though! She likes to snuggle a lot and loves for us to get on the floor and play with her. She actually just took her first couple of steps the other day so Timothy and I are really looking forward to this summer to get out and play outside with her running around! She loves bath time. She gets the entire room wet with all her splashing around.

I know that Hali has learned to play tug-of-war with your dog, who is actually smaller than her. How do they get along?

Snickers and Hali get along fairly well. Hali isn't sure how to be gentle with her yet so she just smacks her all the time but Snickers just sits there and takes it. So, I guess if she didn't like it she could get up and run away. Hali likes to play with all of Snickers' toys just as much as Snickers does so it's funny watching them fight over the toys.

You claim to love Disney movies. How many do you have? Are there any you don't have but would like to get?

I love Disney movies. We have 56 of them. We do not have The Lion King yet. It comes back out of the vault this fall though so we will have it very soon! Other than that I believe we have all of the older Disney movies which are the best ones by far. We do have quite a few of the newer ones though as well. We just bought Tangled when it came out.

Tell me the story about the day of the flood in Bluffton. How did you manage to get your daughter, who was at her babysitter's house across town?

The day of the flood...I was not happy on that day at all. I didn't know what to do and I started to flip out. My coworker kept telling me they were closing more and more roads. I was supposed to get off work at 1 and it was not going to get any better by then. So I decided at 10 to head out. All the roads to get across town were closed and there was no way for me to get over to get my daughter. I knew she was in good hands but I wanted to get her. So I called my husband at work - he didn't know about the flood. I managed to get out of town and swung way out and around to head back north to Findlay (I was hoping that was the direction I was going). Timothy called back in a few minutes and said he was on his way and would find a way to get to her. I kept driving and found a road that I recognized and took that home. About 10 minutes later, Timothy arrived home safely with Hali. I felt so much better that I had her back safely in my arms.
Looking back I know that I flipped out way more than I needed too. My hope is that someday I can stay at home with my children and work my jewelry business.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Goals?

In 10 years I will be staying at home with our children. Still happily married and hopefully, we'll have a few more healthy children. I will still be working my jewelry business full time and be a senior leader in the business!