Friends of the Library planning community garage sale in May
Want to hold a garage sale with plenty of shoppers and minimal expense? Want to help support your public library? Join the Friends of the Bluffton Public Library for the third annual Community Garage Sale on May 19, 20 and 21.
Maps highlighting individual sale locations, a list of addresses with sale descriptions, media coverage and classified advertising will be coordinated by the Friends. To appear on the map and list, participants must register by May 4.
The Friends will advertise in the Ada Herald, Bluffton Icon, Bluffton News, Findlay Courier, Lima News, as well as the Putnam County Sentinel and its affiliates. The combined ads would cost an individual $150. The Friends will also provide yard signs to mark sale locations. Advertised sale hours on Thursday and Friday will be from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Saturday, sales will be from 8 a.m. to whenever participants decide to close.
Registration will run from April 6 to May 4 at the library. The registration form is also available on the Friends' web page at The cost is $20 per site, which includes a $5 refundable deposit for yard signs. Checks should be made out to "Friends of the Bluffton Public Library." Proceeds will benefit the Bluffton Public Library.