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Kayleigh Coughlan, Ryan Sprague, Cody Gesler, Alyssa Snider, Makayla Smith, Jack Henry Neff MS students of the month

Bluffton Middle School March students of the month were recently names. (photos as attachments at the bottom of this story)

6th grade:
Kayleigh Coughlan, daughter of Ryan and April Coughlan, Pandora.
Kayleigh attends St. Mary's Catholic Church.

Ryan Sprague, son of Jon and Aimee Sprague, Bluffton. Ryan plays basketball and tennis. He attends Gateway Church.

7th grade:
Cody Gesler, son of Doug Gesler, Bluffton and Christine Gesler, Bluffton. Cody attends the First United Methodist Church. .

Alyssa Snider, daughter of Greg and Jeni Snider of Bluffton. Alyssa is in the BMS choir. She attends the Ebenezer Mennonite Church.

8th grade:
Makayla Smith, daughter of Larry and Heidi Smith, Bluffton. Makayla is a BMS cheerleader. She attends the Ebenezer Mennonite Church.

Jack Henry Neff, son of Rhonda Moor, Bluffton and Neil Neff, Bluffton. Jack Henry is a member of the BMS Band and plays the trombone. He is in the BMS strings class and plays the cello. He was a member of the Jr. High Academic Team. He is in a youth bowling league, is a volunteen at the Bluffton Public Library, attends Bluffton Presbyterian Church.
