Bluffton Sesqui String Band is still looking for members

The Bluffton Sesqui String Band was formed to help celebrate Bluffton's 150 years in the 2011 Sesquicentennial Festival this summer.

According to Wendy Chappell-Dick, this old-time music string band is learning fiddle tunes appropriate for Bluffton's Historic Costume Ball, planned for June 25. A historic string band can include guitars, mandolins, fiddles, banjos, penny whistles, flutes, recorders, bass, and possible a viola. All instruments should be played at an intermediate level.

If you are interested in joining the Bluffton Sesqui String Band, contact Chappell-Dick at [email protected] for a rehearsal schedule. Music will be provided at that time.

"Join us for our first performance to see a sample of our musical style. On May 14 all are invited to come and learn how to Contra Dance to traditional tunes. We will have a professional caller to teach the dances and talk us through the moves," she said.

Any person who can skip or shuffle can contra dance she added. Contra dancing isn't square dancing; it's much simpler. No partner is necessary. Kids can come (and they'll love it). No experience necessary. You can come just to watch if you'd like.

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