Bluffton's Page Dairy Co.


Here's a view of The Page Dairy Co., a once-upon-a-time flourishing Bluffton business. We believe that Leland Gerber took this photo. The building stands today but looks a bit different. It is on Triplett Drive where the Bluffton school buses are parked.

There are several items to point out in this photo. Perhaps senior Icon viewers can share more information with us.

Notice the condition of Triplett Drive - at the time this photo was taken, it was Harmon Road. The street doesn't appeared to be paved.

Look at the rusty water tower to the left. That was Bluffton's lone water tower until the 1950s. It is no longer standing.

If you can look closely you'll notice a milk delivery truck being loaded. To the right of the truck are several dozen milk containers.

We appreciate any other observations of this photo. (Photo from the collection of Richard Jordan)