One year of The Icon You Tube channel - over 15,000 views later

Bluffton, Ohio, goes to the movies.

Memorial Day 2011 marked the first anniversary of The Bluffton Icon YouTube video channel. Our first-ever video was of the 2010 Memorial Day Parade. Since then The Icon has posted nearly 100 videos.

To view the latest video - middle school out for the summer - click here.

To view elementary out for the summer click here.

The subjects have ranged from Maple Crest's pie contest, COSI on Wheels, an interview with a 100-year-old resident, Blaze of Lights being switched on to the elementary Christmas concert.

The most viewed videos in the past 12 months were the six flood videos from February. Those videos were viewed nearly 5,000 times. Our second most popular set of videos was the three BHS promo videos. We received nearly 1,200 views of those. In all, our first year of videos has had over 15,000 views.

Because of the popularity of videos, we invite viewers to send us your own video links, if you believe you have a video worth sharing with all Icon viewers.

We are also always interested in your opinions, story ideas and whatever is on your mind. Send your thoughts to us at [email protected].

And...wait until you see what we have planned for you this summer!