"Little Schoolhouse on the Black Swamp" - Breidenbaugh school open house Sunday

The public has a rare chance to visit the beautifully restored Breidenbaugh Schoolhouse on, Sunday, June 26 from 4-6 p.m. The open house will be at schoolhouse on the corner of Road 6 and Road M6, near Pandora.

A Girl Scout Troop from Bluffton has been meeting throughout June to learn pioneer survival skills, and they will be sharing the songs, games and activities they have learned with other children or adults who stop by.

The girls will be dressed in home made costumes of the era. Inside the schoolhouse, visitors will be exposed to typical school day lessons, including music played by the historic pump organ.

This program is a Girl Scout "journey," a program which includes girls in short term learning and service projects even if they are not in Girl Scouts during the school year.

All the activities come from the time period of the mid 1800s, which Bluffton's birthday and also the anniversary of the Civil War. This program is part of the Bluffton Sesquicentennial Celebrations.

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