An evening of music and an afternoon of historic discussions on Wednesday's calendar

If you missed one of Tuesday's sesquicentennial historical lecture, don't worry. Several repeats are on the Wednesday, June 29, calendar.

In addition, check out the Icon videos, especially created for persons unable to attend these events.

Here's Wednesday's schedule:

1 p.m. - John Miles "Native Americans"
2 p.m. - Darrell Groman lecture on the three Joseph DeFords
3 p.m. - John Carnes of Allen County Museum
4 p.m. - Dennis Morrison presentation

Then, on Wednesday evening are two musical programs. Bring a lawn chair and enjoy the Bluffton Merchant's Band, directed by Dave Sycks. The band will perform a free concert on the Bluffton Presbyterian Church lawn at 7 p.m.

Following that outdoor performance, the Bluffton Barbarettes, women's choir, will present a concert in the Presbyterian Church sanctuary. Their program title is "Songs of the Decades."

Also on Wednesday's schedule:

Will Triplett historical exhibit, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sauder Art Gallery, Bluffton University

Bluffton University historical exhibit, Musselman Library lobby, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m

For a quick guide to all sesquicentennial events click here.

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