Icon now offers printer-friendly discount coupons

Several new features have joined The Bluffton Icon recently. The newest is a "Coupon Page." This feature will list Bluffton area coupons in a convenient to use, printer-friendly format.

Fred Steiner of The Icon said that several businesses have indicated an interest in having coupons on the website. "We've experimented with several ideas and have now launched our coupon concept."

All coupons in this new feature are independent of one another and may be printed separately by the viewer. The coupon page may be accessed by clicking COUPONS on the far right side of the top black scroll bar.

To make this feature more interesting, The Icon is asking viewers for suggestions on what to call this feature. Obviously "Coupons" says it, but there is probably a more catchy title. Suggestions are being accepted.

At the moment The Icon offers three coupons:

o Common Grounds

o McDonald's

o China Wok

Additional coupons will be added soon. Businesses interested in placing coupons on this page may contact The Icon at [email protected].

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