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Mennonite Memorial Home now offers private rehab rooms

Rehab room at Mennonite Home

Mennonite Memorial Home announces the addition of private rooms for rehabilitation and recovery after surgery or an extended illness.

These new rehab and recovery rooms are for persons who are looking for a short stay and plan to return to their home.

Mennonite Memorial Home will work with physicians and families to follow a plan of care to get people back to their home as quickly as possible.

Mennonite Memorial Home also works with Northwest Physical Therapy on speech, occupational and physical therapy during individual recoveries.

"If you need therapy after leaving Mennonite Memorial Home you can continue to recover at home with Mennonite Home Health and Senior Services and using the same therapists," according to Julie Stratton. "You have a choice on where you would like to recover after surgery."

Mennonite Memorial Home suggests persons call ahead to schedule dates and arrange for a private room.

For more information, call 419-358-1015 and ask for Brenda Reichenbach.
