The farm comes to Bluffton Child Development Center

Instead of Bluffton Child Development Center students going to the farm, the farm came to them last week. Members of the Bluffton 4-H Cattle Club visited the Center and shared some of their animals with the children, according to Mary Painter, Center director.

"Our kids had so many questions to ask and the members of the club were very willing to answer them," said Painter. "It was truly an on-hands experience that some children may never have access to."

Painter added: "They even got to name a calf. It was a very enjoyable day for everyone and it was very refreshing to see young people such as this 4-H group work and share with the children of the Center.

Painter said that the Center is open from 6:15 a.m. to 6 p.m. providing fun and hands-on learning.

Fall registration now underway

"The farm visit was just another blend of the educational program Bluffton Child Development Center offers," said Painter. "We are now accepting student registration for the fall. Please stop by and check us out at 325 County Line Road."

Persons with questions may call the Center at 419-358-8222 or go online at

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Friday, February 21, 2025