$529,526 spent with school district permanent improvement levy funds in 2010-11

Over the course of the past year, the Bluffton school district has completed many different permanent improvement projects.

The following report, by Greg Denecker, superintendent, outlines the revenue that was brought in from this 1/2% permanent improvement income tax, the projects completed with these tax dollars, and the cost of each project.

A complete copy of the school district newsletter is available as a printer-friendly attachment at the bottom of this story.

Below is the revenue chart of the combined monies brought in by the tax. Below that is the list of expenditures and projects completed thanks to this fund.

Date Revenue
Balance Forward from Sept. 10 $7,426.51
October, 2010 $126,085.47
January, 2011 $113,295.70
April, 2011 $155,621.72
July, 2011 $257,640.94
PI Funds Sept. 10-Aug. 1 $660,070.34

Projects Sept. 10-Aug. 11 Expenditures
Elementary Air Conditioning $240,366.51
Harmon Field Visiting Bleachers $67,517.50
Computers/Technology $45,385.00
Refurbishing of Metal Home Bleachers
(Harmon Field) $23,140.00
Concrete/Top Soil (Harmon) $15,822.00
Tuck-pointing Elementary $15,380.00
Softball Field improvements $14,498.59
Bobcat Tractor and attachments $13,979.98
Resurfacing of Tennis Courts $13,278.64
Restroom repair/refurbishing
(Harmon Field) $12,486.00
Lighting (Harmon Field) $11,743.03
Repairs to Gym (HS/MS) $11,009.72
Elementary Repairs, misc. $9,097.18
HS repairs, misc. $8,658.00
Painting Elementary (HS) $6,575.00
Concrete Curb/Drive Parking Lot $5,485.00
Cage Baseball Field $4,933.00
Concrete Pads Soccer Field $4,200.00
New Lawn Mower $2,471.89
Seal Coat Parking Lots $2,000.00
Sound Board repair (MS) $1,499.35
Total $529,526.39

Bluffton Schools will continue to use these Permanent Improvement Funds to update our facilities as promised to the taxpayers of this community.

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