BFR Sports and Fitness starts new program year - classes for all ages

Youth and adult programs are starting up for the fall at BFR. After school sport skill classes will begin the week of Sept. 5.

The fall adult fitness class schedule is currently underway. Soccer Intramurals for youth ages 4 and 5 will begin Sept. 13. All BFR programs are open to the public. For more information about youth classes, visit the web site or stop by the facility.

The popular U6 Soccer Intramural program will run for five weeks beginning on Tuesday, Sept. 13 and continuing on Tuesday and Thursday nights until Oct. 13. Players must have turned 4 years of age by Aug. 1, 2010, and have been under the age of 6 years by that same date.

The U6 program combines basic soccer foot skills with game skills. Players are assigned to teams coached by parent volunteers. Cost is $30 ($15 BFR member). Registration will continue until Sept. 6.

Adult Fitness Options
Adult Fitness classes at BFR include a variety of styles and fitness

Morning options include Total Body Conditioning (Monday through Friday 7:30AM-8AM), All Star Workout (Monday and Wednesday 8:30-9:30AM), Low Impact Aerobics (10:00-11:00AM Mondays).

Strength & Flexibility (Thursday 10-11:00AM), YogaFit (Friday 8:30-9:30AM), and Water Exercise (Level I Monday through Thursday 9:30-10:15AM or Level 2 Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-9:30AM).

Evening classes include Water Exercise (Monday 6-6:45PM), Zumba Fitness (Tuesdays 6-7pm), YogaFit (Wednesdays 6:30PM at the Bluffton Public Library) and Cardio Sculpt (Thursday 6-7PM).
Saturday Morning Aerobics will resume on Sept. 10 at 9AM with Zumba Fitness.

BFR is happy to introduce Kellie Ponchak as the new Zumba Fitness
instructor. Diane Stratton who introduced the class to the area is taking
a break in teaching.

Ponchak, a new resident of Bluffton, was recently certified as Zumba instructor and will lead the Tuesday night and Saturday morning classes. Zumba is a fun, dance experience featuring Latin music. The class is entirely aerobic and designed for both new and experienced exercisers.

A demonstration of YogaFit will be offered on Wednesday, Sept. 7 at 6:30PM (Bluffton Public Library). Instructor, Chris Setzer will use current class members to show the various yoga positions used and new participants can practice during this free session.

The demo will be offered without fee to new and returning members. No registration is required; wear comfortable clothing.

YogaFit is a fitness class based on yoga; participants follow a routine of positions and holds for core development and arm and leg strengthening. Classes are normally held by candle-light to provide a relaxing atmostphere.

BFR Adult Fitness classes are open to new participants at any time of the year. Cost per class is $5 ($3 for BFR members) and an Any Class Card purchase will lower the per class rate. Registration is NOT required and the first class is always FREE. Contact BFR for more information about classes.

Youth Sport Skillls
Youth programs will begin the week of September 5. Young football players (K- grade 2) will learn fundamental skills and game play on Tuesdays (3:30PM). Girls in grades 3-6 can learn volleyball skills on Wednesdays at 3:30PM. Basketball fundamentals will be featured on Thursdays at 3:30pm.

Friday is dodgeball day at BFR, multi-age youth (k- grade 8) will play
both team and individual dodgeball from 3:30-4:30PM. Dodgeball is
available as a 7-week class ($15/ Free for non-members) or by the visit
for $3 per day. Other youth programs vary in cost for the 7-week

Youth (grades K-3) who want an introduction to tennis are welcome to join the Quickstart Tennis program to be held on Wednesdays 4:30- 5:15pm.

Quickstart format involves both skill development (forehand and backhand strokes) plus rally play. Using lots of games and drills, participants will learn the basics of tennis play on small-sized courts and lowered nets. Fees for Quickstart are $50 ($35 BFR members) for 7 sessions.

Youth registered for any of the after-school classes may be transported
from Bluffton schools to BFR by van. Pre-registration is required for all
van participants; cost is $5 per program.

Young Children
Young children looking for an active program focusing on major motor
skills and socialization can participate in Tiny Tots. Two different
sessions are offered (Wednesday and Friday, 10-10:30AM).

Tiny Tots is open to children 15 months to age 4. Open Play time is offered on Wednesday and Friday from 11-12noon (cost $1 per child each visit). During Open Play, children and caregivers can use a variety of sport equipment and play stations.

Parents with children (ages 3, 4 or 5) who are ready to learn sport skills
can register for All Sports at 11:15AM on Thursdays. Swim lessons will begin Sept. 22 for ages 6 month to grade 4.

Contact BFR or visit the website for class options. Lessons are held at the Bluffton Comfort Inn.

BFR Sports & Fitness is located at 215 Snider Road in Bluffton. BFR is a non-profit facility offering lifelong fitness opportunities. Contact the center by calling 419-358-4150 or visiting the web site:

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