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Pumpkin patch

Hundreds of potential Thanksgiving pumpkin pies and Halloween jack-o-lanterns lie awaiting to be picked in the Suter Produce pumpkin patch on Road R between Bluffton and Pandora.

Ruth Johnson picks the winners in Football Contest 8

The winner of Week 8 of The Icon Football Contest is Ruth Johnson.  Four contestants correctly picked all 10 games this week, but Ruth was declared the winner by correctly predicting Bluffton to win by 19 or more points. 

Other contestants:

10 correct - Dale Badertscher, Landyn Fleharty and Mark Delisle.


45 homecomings ago


Here's the Bluffton High School homecoming court 45 homecomings ago. The school year was 1969-70.

Names of the court members are on the photography.

Bring on the new bread machine

By Mary Pannabecker Steiner

Well. We’ve managed to destroy yet another bread machine. Here’s the thing. Some people eat cold cereal for breakfast. Some eat eggs. Some eat nothing. I eat cinnamon raisin bread — NOT the store-bought spongy, flaccid stuff — only homemade.

For more columns by Mary Pannabecker Steiner, click here.


Board will act on resignations, contracts and student teaching assignments

Bluffton school board will act on several resignations, contracts and student teaching assignments during its Monday board meeting.

The complete board agenda is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

• Hannah Slechter – high school head cheerleading advisor, effective Nov. 1
• Brianna Atkins – high school cheerleading assistant advisor, effective Nov. 1
• Julie Althaus – volunteer cross country, effective Aug. 1


Leaf pick-up will start within next two weeks - here's the details

Within the next two weeks, the Village Service Department will begin the annual leaf pickup throughout town, according to Jamie Mehaffie, village administrator. He will provide leaf pick-up details during Monday's Bluffton council meeting. 

The entire council agenda is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.

"As the mowing duties begin to slow down, we will begin picking up leaves on a part-time basis," he said.  "Depending on the weather and the leaves, we anticipate the leaf pick-up will last through the end of November."

